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Roses Planting Growing and Caring for Roses in the Garden

Roses Planting Growing and Caring for Roses in the Garden

Basic Steps for Planting and Caring for Roses. Loosen the soil and dig a hole twice the size of the root ball. Leave some loose soil below the root ball so that the roots can easily establish themselves. Now, in colder climates you will want to dig deeper and set the...
Rose Care: How Do I Keep My Roses Blooming All Summer?

Rose Care: How Do I Keep My Roses Blooming All Summer?

Growing roses and keeping them healthy especially in the hot summer months can be a challenge if you are new to gardening. That said, by doing just a few things there is no reason why you shouldn’t have big, healthy blooms that will last the summer months. Here...

Rose Care Tips: How do you Deal with Slugs in Roses?

You have noticed that the leaves of your roses have little holes in them and are wondering whether they are suffering from a disease. They are not the culprit is the rose snail, a small caterpillar that leaves slime in its trail. You will know that it is the one...